Frûtcake & Co Brand

The Brief

Frûtcake & Co are a seasonal bakery that opens around Christmas every year.

It is run by Aneeta, who makes fruitcakes, slices, cookies, and other delicious treats straight out of Grandma's recipe book. (She really does use a few of her grandmother's recipes, along with some new ones).

Aneeta approached us to create a brand identity for them to put a face to their products. Frûtcake & Co are located in the upmarket area of Bangsar in Malaysia. Through our workshopping process with Aneeta, she decided the brand's culture should be celebratory and joyful. Cakes are a happy product and happiness is what she wants to bake. Because of the location, she also wanted it to be classy and a little eclectic.

What We Did

Aneeta hadn't decided on a name for her brand when she approached us. We brainstormed together and settled on “Fruitcake and Co.” We took the idea further by changing “fruit” to “frût” — functionally similar, but a little more fun and European-inspired to make it more up-market.

We then created a stylescape to capture the look and feel of the brand.

Brand Name Exploration Concepts Stylescape & Moodboard

The Logo

We created a logo with two versions: a square, and a wide, each with light and dark variations. This will allow them to use the logo across any media they require. It gives them options for printing onto square boxes, wide labels, storefronts, social media, and so on.

The typeface used is Bodoni — a classic and elegant font. We didn't use any capital letters to maintain an informal feeling.

For the colours, a neutral grey and soft, warm cream serve as a good base to work with any food products. The pop of red that highlights the characters of the “û” and “&” is a red inspired by cherries atop a birthday cake and serves the same function of adding some life and fun.

Logo Variations
Storefront Mockup Business Card Design Box & Packaging Design Packet & Packaging Design Bag & Packaging Design

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